Monday 6 February 2012

Book Meme – Chapter Two

A Book You’ve Read More Than Three Times

Unfortunately, the only books I have read more than three times are books that got me through school and angsty teenage years. They include possibly every book by Michael Morpurgo, Anthony Horrowitz, and J.K. Rowling. I haven’t had the time to read the more ‘adult’ books on my shelves (a considerably small selection) over again, but there is a reason why I do keep them. I keep them because they are good enough to be read again, and I will enjoy them again. My outlook on life may have changed since the time I first read them. I may understand something that my younger self didn’t.

There are books I haven’t touched or considered looking at again – the charity shop cheap fantasies, the books that actually belong to my brother. I would quite like to read T.C. Boyle’s The Tortilla Curtain again. This was really an incredible read, and I loved every minute of it.
Shamefully, I would like to re-visit Stephanie Meyer – because I read her before everyone else did, and I want to see if university has actually taught me anything about bad writers. Heck, if I hate them, maybe I can make them into pretty book art. 

I think I’ve read this book more than three times. Well, three times, at least.

Tamar by Mal Peet

 I haven’t read this book in an awfully long time, but I remember loving every second of it. It was my first WWII story that wasn’t Michael Morpurgo, and although aimed at young-adults, it could very well fit into the adult section in a bookshop, too. I have a strange fascination for the world wars, heightened even more by watching War Horse (now there’s a book I’ve read about twenty times!) and I’m currently chugging my way through Birdsong. I intend to read Tamar again, over and over and over.


Other books on my shelves I want to re-read:

·        Elizabeth Chadwick – The Greatest Knight
·        Helen Dumore – The Siege
·        Holly Black – Tithe
·        Alison Croggon – The Pelinor Quartet
·        Eleanor Updale – Montmorency Quartet
·        Charles Dickens – Great Expectations
·        Hugh Cook – The Wizards and the Warriors
·        Vikas Swarup – Q&A
·        Ann Halam – Siberia
·        Eva Ibbotson – Journey to the River Sea
·        Elizabeth Golding - The Little White Horse

Basically, all of these:

From June 2011 - My shelves change round a hell of a lot so some of these books aren't there any more - oh, and there's no space on the ends, either.

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